
Download template

1. Format

Papers should be send in their final stage, compiled with the software Word and saved in *.docx format.

2. Template

The use of the template is strongly recommended.

If you wish to use styles in Word, together with the rules for the layout, the template is provided with a set of styles marked with the prefix “Pol -”.

3. Required attachments

The author should attach together with the article a Word document with:

  • English translation of the title of the article (if the article is in not in English).
  • Biographical note (4-5 lines) in the language of the article and English translation.
  • Keywords (separated by commas) in the language of the article and English translation.
  • Abstract (5-10 lines maximum) in the language of the article and English translation.

4. Length

Articles between 18.000 and 27.000 characters (including spaces and notes, excluded final bibliography and sitography) are particularly welcome. We will not be able to accept papers shorter than 18.000 characters, or paper that exceed significantly 27.000 characters.

5. Font

Times New Romans. New Athena Unicode for Greek characters. Should you use special character, please attach the Font package.

6. Italics

Use italics for:

  • foreign words, including common Latin expressions (ad hoc, statu quo etc.)
  • exceptionally, to emphasize words or expressions.

7. Bold

Please, do not use bold anywhere in the text.

8. Footnotes

Footnotes (not endnotes) should be added automatically by Word.

The footnote markers should follow punctuation marks.

In footnotes, line breaks should be avoided.                                                     

Please, use notes for bibliographic details only, and avoid commentary notes wherever possible.

9. Citations

Citations within the text should be wrapped by French quotes (« »).

Quotes longer that three line should be separated by the main text, without quotes, text size 11, indented 0,5 for prose and 1,5 for poetic texts. The paragraph should be separated from the main text by 12pt above and bottom.

Citations inside citations should be wrapped in English quotes (“ ”).

Omissions should be marked by dots insides square brackets […]:

Ex. 1

«This, amongst all, is the most frequent case»

«This […] is the most frequent case»

In in-line poetic citations the end of the line should be marked with a vertical strike | (preceded and followed by a space).

The end of the stanza should be marked by two vertical strikes ||.

Omission of lines or words should be marked by dots insides square brackets […]

Ex. 2

«Si sta come d’autunno | […] | le foglie».

Additions by the author should be put in square brackets and in italic

Ex. 3

«Italian literature [both ancient and modern] is […]»

10. Bibliographic citations


Bibliographic references should correspond with the chosen edition and must include the following elements, separated by a comma:

1) Name and Surname (if present, initial of second name).  For multiple authors, names should be separated by a comma.

Ex. 4

John Gillingham, Richard I, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2002.

Thomas G. Wagner, Piers D. Mitchell, The illnesses of King Richard and King Philippe on the Third Crusade: An Understanding of arnaldia and leonardie, in «Crusades», 10 (2011), pp. 23-44.

2) Title, in italic. If the title includes text in italic, the latter should be non-italic.

3) Place (in original language). When there is more than one place, separate them with a comma. (ex. 5)

4) Publishing house. When there is more than one publishing house, separate them with a comma. When different places correspond to different publishing houses separate each couple with a semicolon (ex. 6).

5) Date. If you are not using a first edition, please specify the number of the edition you are using in apex after the date. (ex. 7)

Ex. 5

Maurizio Perugi (ed.), Le canzoni di Arnaut Daniel, Milano, Napoli, Ricciardi, 1978.

Ex. 6

Biographies des troubadours : textes provençaux des 13. et 14. siècles publiés avec une introduction et des notes par Jean Boutière et Alexander-Hermann Schutz, Toulouse, Privat; Paris, Didier, 1950.

Ex. 7

Mario Baratto, Realtà e stile nel Decameron, Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 1974², pp. 171-195.

6) If you are citing only one volume of a work composed by multiple volumes, specify the volume number in Roman numbers.

Ex. 8

Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevii primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 1984, V, pp. 169-171.

7) For collectives works always specify, after the title, name and surname of the editor.  

Ex. 9

La simmetria, a cura di Evandro Agazzi, Bologna, il Mulino, 1973.

8) For conference proceedings state place and date of the conference.

Ex. 10

Alessandro Barbero, Chiesa e società feudale nelle letterature d’Oc e d’Oïl, in Chiesa e mondo feudale nei secoli X-XII, Atti della dodicesima Settimana internazionale di Studio (Mendola, 24-28 agosto 1992), Milano 1995, pp. 509-534.

9) For miscellaneous works without an editor list all authors and use et al. if needed(use AA. VV. in articles in Italian).

10) For translations, at the end of the bibliographic reference and between brackets, state Place (in original language) and Year of the original edition, preceded by “or. ed.” (in English papers), “éd. or.” (in French papers) or “ed. or.” (in Italian papers).

Ex. 11

Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, introduzione di Aurelio Roncaglia, Torino, Einaudi, 1956 (or. ed.  Bern 1946);

Aron J. Gurevich, Contadini e santi. Problemi della cultura popolare nel Medioevo, Torino, Einaudi, 1986 (ed. or. Moskva 1981);

George M. Trevelyan, La rivoluzione inglese del 1688-89, a cura di Cesare Pavese, introduzione di Leone Ginzburg, Torino, Einaudi, 1941 (ed. or. London 1938).

11) Page number, should be preceded by p. or pp. and should be complete (ex. pp. 350-356, and not pp. 350-6).


1) Name and Surname (if present, initial of second name).  For multiple authors, names should be separated by a comma.

2) Title, in italic, followed by a comma. If the title includes text in italic, the latter should be non-italic.

3) Journal, in French quotes, preceded by “in” and followed by a comma.

4) Series, if applicable, followed by a comma.

5) Volume, in Arabic or Roman numbers, as stated in the frontispiece.

6) Year, followed by a comma.

7) Issue, if applicable, followed by a comma.

8) Pages, preceded by “pp.”.

9) To specify the page of the quote, state the page number(s) preceded by “at p.” or “at pp.”.

Ex. 12

Geneviève Hasenohr, Du bon usage de la galette des Rois, in «Romania», CXIV (1996), 3-4, pp. 445-467.

Luce López-Baralt, Narrar después morir. La Cuarantena de Juan Goytisolo, in «Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica», 153 (1995), 1, pp. 59-124.

Giuseppe Papponetti, Un inedito commento di Barbato da Sulmona alla Iantandem del Petrarca, in «Studi petrarcheschi», n.s., X (1993), pp. 81-144, at pp. 141-142.

Citations after first (Books and Articles)

All works that have already been cited once in the article, should be referred to by the Surname of the author and an abbreviated of the title (in italic). The abbreviation is arbitrary, but should be consistent along the article.

Ex. 13

Lejeune, La chanson, pp. 410-412.

  • If the citation refers to a work of the same author of a work referred immediately above, use “Id.” or “Ead.”
  • If the citation refers to a work has been cited immediatly above, use “ivi”, followed a comma and the neccessary information (ivi, p. 282; ivi, cap. IX, § 30)
  • If the page referred to is also the same, use “ibid.” (in italic).

Quote from poetic texts

  1. Title of the poem, if present, otherwise incipit; in italic; followed by a comma. Omit if you are quoting the whole poem. It should not be followed by dots.
  2. Line number, preceded by “l.” or “ll.” (in English article), “v.” or “vv.” (in Italian and French articles); followed by a comma. Omit if you are quoting the whole poem.
  3. Page number, in the chosen edition, preceded by “p.” or “pp.”.

It is possible to assign an acronym to a frequently quoted poetical work. If the acronym stands for a title, it should be in italic.

First citation:

Ex. 14

Sono senza lavoro da anni, vv. 7-5, Luigi Di Ruscio, Poesie scelte: 1953-2010, a cura di Massimo Gezzi, prefazione di Massimo Raffaeli, Milano, Marcos y Marcos, 2019 (from now on PS), p. 35.

Citation after first:

Ex. 15

Sono senza lavoro da anni, vv. 7-5, PS, p. 35.

Online publications

In the notes, online contents, such as articles in blogs (without ISSN), video, internet sites, and any other online publication (without ISBN), should be cited by:

  1. Name and Surname of the author (if known).
  2. Title, in italic.
  3. Name of the website, in italic, preceded by “on” (in English papers).

Ex. 16

Italo Testa, Futuri a rovescio, on Le parole e le cose2

Please note that URL should be included in the Sitography section only, and not in the notes.

End Bibliography and Sitography

All works referenced in the article, and only these, should be referenced also in the “Bibliography” and “Sitography” section, at the end of the article.

  1. In the “Bibliography” section should be listed all books and articles published both in printed and online journals provided with an ISSN code.
  2. The “Sitography” section will include online contents such as articles in blogs (without ISSN), video, internet sites, and any other online publication (without ISBN). In this section, the URL should be included in the reference: please follow the layout of the Template (citation: size 12pt, above 6pt, bottom 0pt, keep with following; URL: size 10pt, above 0pt, bottom 6pt, no hyphenation)